A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Princess in Practice by Connie Glynn


I guess after 8 months of reading royalty novels and fairytale retellings, we can totally say that I'm in a princess and fairytale mood. And this book was, as expected after book one, therefore a very nice and pleasant read indeed. I have to admit that I didn't have all the details from the first book ready anymore, but luckily this book did help to bring all those memories back.

What I really loved about this book is that it continued where the previous book had stopped. It doesn't feel like we missed anything or that a million things have been happening outside the book and are only briefly mentioned. And this means that the story also continues with the tension and excitement from the finale of the previous book.

A new piece of the puzzle shows up at the beginning of this book and quite soon we're once more sucked into a new and thrilling mystery. Since this is a middle grade, it takes the characters a little longer to understand all the clues then it does take me, but it doesn't feel like this is just to create more drama or to make it seem harder. It feels natural and it fits the characters.

Speaking of those characters. This book truly helps the characters, and especially Lottie and Jamie, to grow a little more and to get more of an identity. The mystery is of course really nice, but it's the personal development for especially Lottie and her struggles with her new task keeping this story interesting and more than just a simple a who- and whydunnit.

Combine all of this with a nice writing style that makes reading so much fun and so easy and you have once more a really pleasant book that kept me interested from start to finish. I can't wait to see how the story continues.