A review by erinlikesreading
Padawan by Kiersten White


Aahhhhhh! This was such a fun read!

It’s like… the lost boys meets Star Wars. And Obi Wan is hilarious, even as a Padawan. I love how his sarcastic hilarious attitude and desire to love people well just shine through in this book.

And the other teens he meets, how spunky and interesting their characters are, I really enjoyed watching how this story played out.

Not to mention the GROWTH we see Obi Wan come through, becoming who we see in the various other canonical series and movies… how he learns about the force, and how to trust it, how to embrace his fear. The self-actualization in this is just so well written. I was examining myself, as we see Obi Wan examine his own mind.

I loved it. I’m not even a hardcore Star Wars fan, just a pretty casual fan. But this was really good.