A review by menshevixen
Cinnamon Blade: Knife in Shining Armor by Shira Glassman


A steamy and seriously sweet superhero story starring former-cat-burglar-now-crimefighter Cinnamon Blade and her nerdy damsel Soledad Castillo. Those names will be recognizable for anyone who read Shira Glassman's previous f/f novella [b:Knit One, Girl Two|34732711|Knit One, Girl Two|Shira Glassman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1490847932s/34732711.jpg|55918009], and it was really a delight to get a glimpse into Blade and Soledad's world of aliens and vampires. Readers need not be familiar with KOGT to enjoy Blade's heroic hijinks, Soledad's penchant for crossword puzzles and trivia, and this brief but substantial and heartfelt romance.