A review by popthebutterfly
Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau


Disclaimer: I received this book from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Dreams of the Dying

Author: Nicolas Lietzau

Book Series: Enderal Book 1

Rating: 4/5

Diversity: Many LGBT+ characters

Recommended For...: fantasy, horror, mystery, thriller

Publication Date: October 20, 2020

Genre: Fantasy

Recommended Age: 16+ (romance, violence, gore, mental illness, horror)

Publisher: Indie Published

Pages: 728

Synopsis: Years after a harrowing war experience, ex-mercenary Jespar Dal’Varek has taken to drifting. It’s a lonely existence, but barring the occasional bout of melancholia, he has found the closest thing to peace a man like him deserves. Life is “all right.”

Or so he tells himself. Hoping to turn the page, Jespar accepts a mysterious invitation into the beautiful but dangerous archipelago of Kilay—and everything changes. Plagued by boiling social tensions and terrorism, the tropical empire is edging ever closer to civil war. Kilay’s merchant king may be the only one able to prevent this catastrophe, but he has fallen into a preternatural coma—and it’s Jespar’s job to figure out who or what caused it. As the investigation takes him across the archipelago and into the king’s nightmares, unexpected events not only tie Jespar’s own life to the mystery but also unearth inner demons he believed to be long exorcised.

Battling old trauma while fighting for his life, his sanity, and the fate of Kilay, the line between dream and reality blurs further and further, until only one question remains: If your mind is the enemy, where do you run?

A unique blend of fantasy, mystery, and psychological horror, Dreams of the Dying is a haunting exploration of mental illness, morality, and the dark sides of humanity.

Review: For the most part this was a well done book. The book did well with having an unique plot with many diverse characters. I loved the symbolism and I thought the plot was promising. The book also had well done world building.

However, I did think that the characters weren’t as developed as they could have been and some of them were not as personable as other characters. I also thought the book was a bit too slow and that that the way the story was written was a bit wonky.

Verdict: It’s really good!