A review by captwinghead
Batman & Robin, Vol. 3: Batman & Robin Must Die! by Frazer Irving, Matt Banning, Grant Morrison, Ryan Wynn, David Finch


3.5 stars.

This is a very artful book.

I was worried about the covers because I absolutely hate Quitely's art. It's often led to me knocking stars off of books because it's so bloody unpleasant. Luckily, he only did the covers and I believe Finch did the art (or Irving? I'm unsure). The lines and the colors make for a very dark, almost beautiful vibe and I was surprised by it, honestly. I thought they'd run out of interesting ways to draw the Joker but Finch manages it. The action sequences were really well drawn and entertaining.

I'll admit, I've skimmed the last volume of this series and I don't recall much for it. I say that because I found this story pretty confusing. I remember Pyg and that's about it. I wasn't sure why the Joker was here or if I'd seen the other villain before. Part of it was easy enough to follow - Dr. Hurt (?) wants to control Gotham. 'Nuff said. His plan was pretty interesting.

I actually enjoyed Damian in this book which is surprising because everyone is so muted here. Damian is pretty vicious and unforgiving here - especially in his scene with the Joker. It was interesting to see some of that viciousness in Dick's character. While I appreciate Finch's art overall, I hate the way Dick Grayson was drawn in this book. He looked pretty much unrecognizable.

The story was kind of messy once it started to blend the elements with the Joker and Pyg. The Wayne family history was a little confusing because, as I mentioned, I don't remember if a lot of this set up was in the previous volume.

The end story just sets up the Batman Incorporated thing and was pretty weak as a standalone. I did enjoy Damian choosing to work with Dick. Their partnership is the best part of this run.

3.5 stars for stylish art, a pretty cool vibe and some great action sequences.