A review by allyem_reads
The Magic Circle by Jenny Davidson

Did not finish book.
DNF at 40%

I tried so hard. I really did. I wanted to like this book because it’s shelved as dark academia which is one of my preferred genres. And the premise sounded right up my alley: three college grads are working to create an interactive game when they get caught up in another that brings Euripides’ tragedies to life. Game theory and Greek history?? Uhm, yes! Sign me up!


The execution was atrocious, if I am being completely honest. The part about game theory were interesting, I’ll give it that, but the whole book was just...info dumpy exposition. Like, there was an entire page on what one of the characters was getting from the store. It was ridiculous. Not to mention, I was nearly half-way through, and we hadn’t gotten ANY of the Greek interaction. I was waiting and waiting for it to come, but it never did!

Really I should have looked at the ratings on here before I added it to my wishlist. Next time I see a dark academia book, or any book really, I’ll take a closer look at the reviews before making a decision to read it or not. At least I learned my lesson, even if it was the hard way.