A review by thebookplatypus91
Angel Unseen by J. Bree


Dare I say it? Should I say it?
Ok I’m gonna say it.
This is J. Bree’s best work yet.
No question about it. I’ve read every single book by J.Bree.
I fell in love with Hannaford Prep hardcore. Like a die hard fan. I wasn’t as thrilled with Butcher of the bay (mainly book two) ... but hey... I still had to read this one.
I was lucky to win an ARC.
But this?! Angel Unseen?! Y’all aren’t ready for this!
A slow burn. Perfected world building. Amazing characters.
Suspense. Darkness. Mystery.
Who’s the fucking rat?
We get The Wolf and her boys in this for a hot minute.
We get mother fuckin Posey!
I couldn’t stop reading this. It was just... everything I expect from an MC novel.

“I hold her tight enough that her demons can’t come to play until she’s ready to move. It’s the least I can do.”

This leaves on a doozy of a cliffhanger. Like.. one that might make you fling your phone at the wall.
Be prepared.