A review by peebee
Down in the Black Gang by Philip José Farmer


Sort of like how Heinlein was obsessed with sex, this guy is clearly trying to work out his issues with religion. Like an odd number of SciFi writers of the time, very reactionary about social issues that aren't the one special one they've decided to enlighten themselves on.

But where Heinlein thought sexual mores were outdated and also was a literal fascist, this guy thinks religion is a restrictive means of social control and is only terrified of be-bopping teens who speak slang so cartoonish it's basically Tarzan-speak, having beach blanket bingo picnics.

A character gets in a knife fight with a group of young toughs that starts when he runs through their picnic and steps in their potato salad. Nothing says 'this is a thing real teenage gangbangers might ever do, and I know from experience because I know at least one teen' like a youth gang serving potato salad at a picnic in a park.

But otherwise a decent couple of stories. Weird as hell. More on the metaphysical end than pew pew lasergun scifi, one ends up essentially Lovecraftian by the end just because it turns out God is the villain. Got it free in one of those little library hootches on the sidewalk, so the price was right.