A review by postitsandpens
Parkland: Birth of a Movement by Dave Cullen


Another winner from Dave Cullen. This is a lot different than Columbine, because instead of focusing on the shooting and the shooter, he chose instead to focus on the aftermath, and the students who formed March for Our Lives and the subsequent movement. He uses a mix of public interviews, individual interviews, and research to talk about the "big names" like David and Emma, but he also focused on some of the lesser-known students as well. I also loved the inclusion of Joaquin Oliver's parents, as I wasn't aware of Tito Manny and his artwork, nor did I realize that part of March for Our Lives included a bus tour into deep Red states to discuss gun laws. It's amazing to see how motivated these teenagers were after such a tragedy, and one can only hope that in time things will change to make school shootings and public massacres a thing of the past.