A review by bibliophile90
Ravage - Bis zum letzten Herzschlag by Tillie Cole


**ARC provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review**


"Then we both are vory serdtsa; we are both thieves of the heart."

As a huge fan of Tillie Cole's books, I always get very excited the moment I get my hands on any of her books. She is an amazing author with a creative mind, and she keeps on surprising me with her unique stories. She left me wanting more at the end of Reap and I needed Ravage ASAP. I dropped everything I was reading and started this book the moment it hit my kindle.

“We are different. Me weak and you strong. Me a Georgian and you Russian, but our broken hearts are tired and old. Our spirits are low, though not broken. But our souls, though thoroughly tested and hardened through pain, are resilient.” Her lips twitched, and she added, “They are the same.”

This book focuses on 194, who was taken as a young teen and is forced to kill and torture. And Zoya, who is Zaal's sister and is hiding from her enemies in Manhattan. This book started out really dark and emotional, but I am used to that from Tillie. I was intrigued by 194 and wanted to know more about him. Both 194 and Zoya had a very heartbreaking past. For 194 his nightmares are still continuing till this day. After the danger to Zoya is over, she prepares to meet her brother. In front of the house just before she is about to meet him, she gets kidnapped by 194, who is under the influence of drugs that force him into obedience. He has one goal and that is to get Zaal.

In the beginning of the kidnapping 194 does a lot of horrible things. He was ruthless and he needed information, and would do anything to get it from Zoya. I have to say some of the scenes were pretty horrific. But 194 is not himself so I could definitely overlook his evil actions. I loved how they understood and found comfort in each other. I think they were a great match together. I especially loved Zoya, because she had things figured out pretty fast. Zoya and 194 gave each other hope and that was beautiful to read.

"I feel alive. I feel like yours."

Ravage is not my favorite but overall a strong third book in the series. I did have a couple of issues with this book. I was missing the development for Zoya and 194 as a couple. I wanted to see more of them together, especially after the kidnapping. I do understand that 194 basically had no life for 15 years. The same goes for Zoya, who had been in hiding her whole life. So their relationship is obvious going to happen in a very non-traditional way. I was happy that Tillie included a couple of Luka's POV, because I am always interested to know what he is up to. There are still enemies out there and they need to prepare for war. I am very intrigued by the main character of the next book Riot and can't wait to find out more.