A review by z0diackiller
The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ by Anonymous


I did it. I finally finished The Book of Mormon. Say what ye will about the historical authenticity, but ye cannot deny the impact this tome has had on the world since 1823. I admit, it can get tiresome to read with every other verse starting with, "And it came to pass..." but overall The Book of Mormon is brimming with reminders to be kind, strong, and hopeful. Even if the reader is not a person of faith, its verses still have value. For example, "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God" Mosiah 2:17. If you want to think of God as charity, as kindness, as selflessness, or humanitarianism, it still works. Or look at Alma 34:38: "Live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you." Gratitude and honor are qualities that can be appreciated throughout any walk of life. I've had my ups and downs with this text, but overall I appreciate it for what it is: Joseph Smith's all-American magnum opus.