A review by desiree_mcl
The Heiress Hunt by Joanna Shupe


It's been a long time since I've read 2 historical romances, so close together. I've been in a serious non-historical romance mood these last couple years, mainly because a lot of new historical romances, IMO, have felt more like contemporary characters just set in 1800's (or whatever century is being written), which is not something I want to read when I'm craving historical's.

I listened to this on audio and the narration was really great. Justine Eyre is one of my favorite historical romance narrators.

Maddie and Harrison were/are best friends and have known each other since childhood. Harrison would always be at Maddie's house and love to be around her, and he developed feelings for her and at one point during her debut he was going to ask to court her. But he overheard something from Maddie that made him essentially flee for a few years without talking to Maddie where he was sowing his wild oats. Now he's back, Maddie is a very good tennis player, has dreams of making it big, and she's also betrothed to a duke, Harrison is not about to let that happen but he also has another agenda while he is pursuing Maddie.

I loved how much Harrison wanted Maddie and how he was determined to make her his wife. I do love a hero who knows who he wants. It did bother me that he took an overheard comment and made a huge life altering decision, without even speaking to Maddie. I understand he was hurt but there are things that people say to other people to mask their own feelings or because they don't want to tell someone who isn't the person their speaking about. While I do believe Maddie said exactly what she felt she did at that time, Harrison didn't even give her the opportunity to explain.

I enjoyed Maddie for the most part as well, I loved that she wanted to focus on tennis and tennis was a passion of hers. And whether she was alone, marrying a duke, or marrying Harrison, it was a part of who she was. I didn't love what caused the third act break up. While I understood her anger at Harrison not being up front with her and telling her what was going on, they were married, and she was in the camp of, one fight, one mistake, one slip up in their communication and it's over? What? I also didn't like
Spoilerhow quickly Harrison got in touch with his former mistress to get back together when they were going to break off their marriage. Nothing happened because he didn't make it back to France before he and Maddie were back together but I still didn't love it.

So this was an enjoyable read, I loved the narration, I really enjoyed the romance despite a couple of hiccups for me and I'm looking forward to reading the next in the series. I'm excited to get to the Duke's story, which I think is book 4, that seems like it's going to a hoot with who his heroine is going to be.