A review by laurahmartens
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder


"When they try to train us to surrender freedom in the name of safety, we should be on our guard. There is no necessary trade-off between the two. Sometimes we do indeed gain one by losing the other, and sometimes not. People who assure you that you can only gain security at the price of liberty usually want to deny you both."

This is a solid and important overview and lessons we need to learn. The examples that the extended essay talks about, but especially the idea that we cannot forget history or practice inevitability or eternity politics is something I have been thinking about a lot recently.

"One thing is certain: If young people do not begin to make history, politicians of eternity and inevitability will destroy it. And to make history, young Americans [or youth all over the world] will have to know some. This is not the end, but a beginning."