A review by labraden
Lovely, Dark, and Deep by Susannah Sandlin


One of Gillian Campbell's distant ancestors, Duncan had been aboard a ship that had left Europe carrying many treasures including a Ruby Cross he stole from the Knights Templar. When the ship sunk somewhere near Nova Scotia, Canada, it was thought that the treasure would be lost forever, but now Gillian is being threatened by an unknown entity with money and a long "reach." He belongs to a club of collectors calling itself C7. He is threatening everyone Gillian cares about and the man the collector has chosen to be her dive partner, Shane Burke. After causing a car accident that nearly killed Gillian's best friend, she knows this collector means business, so she and Shane set out on an adventure that will test their diving skills as well as the attraction that has begun to simmer between them.

Lovely, Dark, and Deep is a well-researched and well-written story about a treasure hunt including dangerous scuba diving, and an investigation in which they attempt to find not only the cross, but also who is threatening them. The pacing of this adventure/mystery has enough ups and downs to build suspense and make for interesting reading. Although some of the events seem over the top and a bit coincidental, this is an enjoyable read from start to finish.