A review by rereader33
White Women: Everything You Already Know About Your Own Racism and How to Do Better by Saira Rao, Regina Jackson



The only reason why this book gets two stars is because the information the authors give is valid and important. However, none of the information would be deemed helpful to anyone who isn't already familiar with the racism discussions being held and/or has already done reading on the subject.

On top of that, the authors try to lump all white women into the extremely narrow bubble of wealthy, strsight, cisgendered, Christian, neurodivergent, and able bodied white women and refuse to acknowledge that any white woman outside of this bubble could have mitigating factors that would make taking their "advice" difficult. On that note, their "advice" boils down to "don't do this, don't do that," with no explanation, additional info or insights, or any helpful suggestions.

It also strikes me as mailicious and insidious on their part that they have chosen to make their dinner parties expensive enough that the average white woman wouldn't be able to afford it, almost preying on the economic demographic that is most oblivious and ignorant about race issues rather than making it accessible to white women who are familiar with what's going on and could potentially challenge them or engage in a more equal dialogue.

But this is just my perspective on the book. Read it if you want, its up to you.