A review by hsecen
Block Shot by Kennedy Ryan


Kennedy Ryan continues to prove that she is a magical author. I cannot ever get over her prose and how well she can put complicated issues and relationships to words and with a poetic sense to it to boot. I loved being back in the Hoops world and seeing all the characters introduced in Long Shot.
My only problem is I could not connect with Banner and Jared. I didn't really love them as separate characters. Jared - it makes sense because his whole thing is that he's an asshole and doesn't like people, so stepping on toes and generally not caring about other's feelings to get what he wants is on point. But I don't totally love that as a character trait. He pushed Banner's boundaries a lot, and at one point claimed that he would take his time but then went ahead and pushed really soon. And Banner just seemed to jump back and forth between doing what she knew was right and wrong, but in a bit of a wishy washy manner. I couldn't really understand the logic to her decisions and it made for a slightly confusing read. Banner and Jared together - there's no denying their sexual chemistry. That was definitely off the charts. And I liked their banter.
I so wanted to fall in love with these characters like I have with so many other Kennedy Ryan characters, but this one was hard for me. Kennedy really is a fantastic writers and the plot was interesting, and unique. She always writes so poetically (but in a totally non-obnoxious way) and if the characters had different character traits I would so be down for this whole book.