A review by wynnz
A Warship Named Sky: A Hero's Story by Saxon Andrew


Ok let’s do this, imagine you’re signing up to a twitter account or facemeta or a mobile phone or to the internet, you have to sign a contract or sign off on the terms & conditions form, and that, is this book. If you enjoy reading the above literature then you’re really going to love this book.

For the first 50% of the book they talked about contracts, negotiations, terms & conditions, bargaining, haggling, doing a deal, counter offer, counter the counter offer, really reverting stuff. Then came the action gritty enthralling action. Nah only kidding, guess what more terms & conditions babel, and then the big reveal, the big conspiracy the big ta-rah moment, and I just didn’t care. The first half had just drained me, sucked me dry of any emotion. Then they went to play golf and then went out to dinner, where they discussed you got it! TERMS & CONDITIONS.

So in conclusion if you like T&C this book will definitely float your boat, otherwise it’s as interesting as a box of frogs or a bag of bricks! So my fellow readers I gave up, 59% I almost never not finish books, but this one brow beat me to within an inch of my sanity. DNF.