A review by bananatricky
The Lion's Daughter by Loretta Chase


Read this a few days ago and read several more since then so this is a rough review only.

This is the first book I can recall reading set mostly in Albania. Esme is a brave resourceful girl, daughter of the Red Lion, who believes her father has been murdered by Ismal. In reality her father wants her safely in England as he fears that Ismal will kidnap her in order to force him to betray Ali Pasha. Esme's father is the youngest son of an English noble family - disowned by his relatives he moved to Albania and fell in love with the country.

Varian is a good-looking parasite, a wastral English nobleman he survives solely by living off wealthy, less well-born people. At present he is living off Esme's uncle, Gerald(?). Esme has a cousin, Percival, who her uncle believes is actually her half-brother. The two look very similar although Esme is a woman and Percival is a 12 year old boy.

The few reviews I skim read were less than enthusiastic but I rather liked this book. Varian is endearingly useless. Esme has to look after him, translate for him and teach him how to survive in Albania - such a relief after all these masterful heroes who are always in control.

We see into the palace of Ali Pasha and meet the evil, but angelically beautiful, Ismal. We travel through the beautiful wild Albanian countryside and attend a traditional wedding. Then to England and a formidable Grandmother. All mixed up with lots of fight scenes and fascinating glimpses into a history which was previously unknown to me.

And I had a soft spot for Varian!