A review by angek98
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


Okay, I finally finished it!!!!

I've had a hate/like relationship with this book. (Not love because I don't think it was /that/ good)

So, I bought the audiobook on Audible, because I thought it was the only way to get myself to finish this book. While reading it, I had a problem with the way the names were spelled (I know it's a stupid reason but there it is), and the writing style, and mainly Caelaena, really (Is that how you spell her name). Listening to it made me able to kind of like... give it the benefit of the doubt I guess you could call it? Like it made me able to kind of gloss over the more annoying parts of this book.

While listening to it, I also realised that the dialogue sounded kind of unnatural during the first half, but it kind of got better at the end.

Parts that I liked were Caelaena's relationships with the people that she is not romantically involved with, mainly Caelaena's relationship with Nehemia. Ummm.... I also liked the parts with the magic.

Dorian and Chaol aren't really that great, imo.

Also this is probably an unpopular opinion, I also really liked Kaltain. She knows what she wants and she will do whatever she can to get it. I think that sort of parallels Caelaena, except I feel like it was so much more interesting because of the way she was portrayed.

The plot was kind of predictable, which also made me kind of not want to finish it the first few times I read it, but I have no clue what happens in the rest of the series, so I'll probably check the rest of them out, eventually.