A review by spacestationtrustfund
The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry by George Walter


I won't review each poem itself (there are quite a few), but the arrangement and introduction, as well as the scope covered. In those areas I think this book is a solid introductory compilation: it primarily includes English-language poets, as well as a few French, German, Italian, Russian, Hebrew. The first edition included poems from only two women: Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetaeva.

The poets in this, the second edition, are, in order of appearance:
Thomas Hardy, 2 poems
Rupert Brooke, 2 poems
Julian Grenfell, 1 poem
John McCrae, 1 poem
Alan Seeger, 1 poem
Charles Hamilton Sorley, 3 poems
Edward Thomas, 12 poems
Edmund Blunden, 12 poems
Ivor Gurney, 7 poems
Robert Graves, 2 poems
Siegfried Sassoon, 10 poems
Rudyard Kipling, 8 poems
Edgell Rickword, 2 poems
E.E. Cummings, 1 poem
Richard Aldington, 4 poems
Ford Madox Ford, 2 poems
F.S. Flint, 1 poem
Alice Meynell, 1 poem
May Wedderburn Cannan, 1 poem
Charlotte Mew, 1 poem
Margaret Postgate Cole, 2 poems
Mina Loy, 1 poem
T.E. Hulme, 1 poem
Herbert Read, 6 poems
David Jones, 1 poem
Harold Munro, 2 poems
John Peale Bishop, 1 poem
Frederic Manning, 1 poem
Wilfred Owen, 18 poems
D.H. Lawrence, 1 poem
Isaac Rosenberg, 17 poems
Archibald MacLeish, 1 poem
Carl Sandburg, 1 poem
Edna St. Vincent Millay, 1 poem
Georg Hyem (trans. Patrick Bridgwater; Christopher Middleton), 2 poems
Georg Trakl (trans. David McDuff, John Silkin; David McDuff, Jon Silkin, R.S. Furness; Michael Hamburger; Michael Hamburger; Michael Hamburger; Michael Hamburger), 6 poems
Alfred Lichtenstein (trans. Patrick Bridgwater), 1 poem
Ernst Stadler (trans. David McDuff), 1 poem
Wilhelm Klemm (trans. Patrick Bridgwater; David McDuff), 2 poems
August Stramm (trans. Patrick Bridgwater; Michael Hamburger), 2 poems
Albert Ehrenstein (trans. Christopher Middleton), 1 poem
Anton Schnack (trans. Christopher Middleton), 1 poem
Yvan Goll (trans. Patrick Bridgwater; Patrick Bridgwater), 2 poems
Guillaume Apollinaire (trans. Christopher Middleton; Anne Hyde Greet), 2 poems
Charles Vildrac (trans. Christopher Middleton), 1 poem
Benjamin Perét (trans. David Gascoyne), 1 poem
René Arcos (trans. Christopher Middleton), 1 poem
Giuseppe Ungaretti (trans. Charles Tomlinson; Jonathan Griffin; Jonathan Griffin; David McDuff, Jon Silkin; Jon Silkin; David McDuff, Jon Silkin; David McDuff, Jon Silkin; Jon Silkin), 8 poems
Eugenio Montale (trans. Gavin Ewart), 1 poem
Aleksandr Blok (trans. David McDuff, Jon Silkin), 1 poem
Anna Akhmatova (trans. Stanley Kunitz, Max Hayward), 1 poem
Osip Mandelstam (trans. David McDuff), 1 poem
Uri Zvi Greenberg (trans. Jon Silkin, Ezra Spicehandler), 1 poem
Marina Tsvetaeva (trans. David McDuff, Jon Silkin), 1 poem
Wang Chien (trans. Arthur Waley), 1 poem (ca. 830 CE)