A review by meganharnett
The Rebuilding Year by Kaje Harper


Ryan Ward is recovering from an accident that he was involved in as a firefighter. He has lost most of the use of his leg and walks around with a cane. Since he can't be a firefighter anymore he is going back to school to become a doctor. On his first day of school he slips on a stair and is rescued by John Barrett. John is the head landscape designer on campus and is older than Ryan. Over a series of run ins John and Ryan become friends. Ryan is living in an apartment with a college boy that has a trail full of women coming through the apartment at all hours, which is hard for Ryan since he needs quiet for studying. John owns a large house that is empty due to his ex-wife and children moving across the country a few years back. John offers his home to Ryan to be his roommate where the atmosphere will be better for him. Ryan accepts and becomes his roommate at first. Even though both men are straight as their friendship grows and they enjoy each other they learn to get over their fears and be with the person they love.

I really enjoyed this story. It was sweet and slow but it worked out in the end. I liked the characters especially Ryan and John. I only wished the story was a little longer but otherwise it was great. I felt for the struggle the characters went through when they both were trying to figure out if they were gay or not. This is one of the few stories I have read where both characters are straight and they realize they are in love with men. It makes the story have depth too, which always keeps me interested.

I give this story 4 stars.