A review by jems_
Im Schatten des Blitzes by Brian MaClellan


I‘m honestly not sure how to rate this. 
Within the first half of this book, I switched from the physical German copy to the English audiobook and I‘m honestly not sure if I could’ve even finished it if I hadn’t done that.
The story was interesting and I am considering continuing this series especially with how it ended. 
However, as a mostly character driven reader, I didn’t find myself particularly liking or caring about most of the characters (except for Baby).
None of them were particularly likable to me and I don’t think that was the intention. They either acted in ways I disliked, where I was glad for the audiobook as it kept going without me having to actively continue, because I might not have or I just never started caring about them at all. 
In particular the relationships between the characters went way too damn fast and conflicts between them were solved easily to the point that it felt a little stupid. I think, without the audiobook this might’ve felt like too much of a drag for me to actively read because of the character problems I had. 
As I said, I still think the story was decent (albeit a little uh too abstract in some regards imo) and I might just continue, but who knows.