A review by huffleclawbookie
The Seafarer's Kiss by Julia Ember


Thank you so much Julia Ember for sending me a review copy and thank you Jennifer (aka The YA Gal) for putting together the group and allowing me to join! I greatly appreciate it!

I did not want to finish this book, hence why it took a week to read it. I wanted Ersel's story to keep going because it was so incredible! It did start a little slow but after the first chapter or two it really speeds up.

This is a great book to read if you like fairy tale retellings, The Little Mermaid and villains. It is a very quick read, which is perfect for those nice beach days (or a relaxing day off if you're not near a beach!)


I loved Ersel as the protagonist. She grew and developed a lot in such a short amount of time. Her relationship with Havamal was definitely complicated but I'm glad they worked out their differences for the greater good. They were best friends but then Havamal became a royal guard, which cause the two to grow apart.

Loki, the God of Lies, does not have a gender identity (the proper word escapes me right now), so they go by they/them. They are very mischievous and they cause Ersel a lot of frustration to say the least.

I couldn't stand King Calder because of all the things he's done to the glacier. I mean, what kind of King locks his sister up and tortures her because he didn't want to upset the god? I'm so glad Inkeri got rescued though! I hope she writes another book to see how the glacier is doing with its rightful queen.

This is definitely a great book to read because of the diversity it has.