A review by whatyoutolkienabout
You Are (Not) Deadpool: A Marvel: Multiverse Missions Adventure Gamebook by Tim Dedopulos


Well this is a surprise another Aconyte Books review! But just when you thought their worlds of tie-in fiction couldn’t get any better they only release a solo adventure gamebook in the essence of the Fighting Fantasy series first published in the 80s! You can pretty much guess this is going to be a five star from me from the start, but before we get into that let’s have a little look at what you can expect.

You, yes YOU, team up or rather are forced by Deadpool to defeat predictability through mini-games and puzzles.

As the synopsis points out; ‘Things seem weird, even by Deadpool’s standards, when Matt “Daredevil” Murdock offers him a profitable – nay, straightforward! – contract. No chaos, no unpredictability, no funny business… C’mon, Murdock, that’s just not Deadpool’s style. Sensing something is up, Deadpool grabs an innocent bystander off the street to confuse any semblance of predictability the universe is trying to force on him. Good-hearted mischief spirals into a sinister plot full of impenetrable bank vaults, crime lords stroking their (lack of) mustaches in very evil ways, and an assortment of offensively stylish suits that are begging to be blown up, Deadpool discovers his choices are no longer his own – they’re yours!’”

Now obviously given the nature of the ‘game’ it’s hard to give an overall view of the story since there are some many options, endings and routes to get there and on top of that we (meaning I) don’t like to spoil much of the plot of books we review. I will say from the first introduction pages of how to play it is clear that Dedopulos knows Deadpool and can write the merc with the mouth amazingly well. I was already laughing while getting my supplies together.

There are some fun additions to the general solo roleplaying game book here and there as well which truly fit in with the chaotic Deadpool and this delightful game. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had so much fun roleplaying with just myself! You know what I mean!

As I said at the start this is almost like an amazingly weird love-letter to the books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. I grew up with those books and still have some old copies of the original. I used to wait with anticipation for the Scholastic faires in hope that one of the reprints after Wizards got the rights would be there, along with any other goodies I could find. Simply put I couldn’t find someone to play D and D in my younger years and those books scratched that itch. Now I’m older and do have friends to play roleplaying games with we all have annoying adult responsibilities and finding times we are all free can be a nightmare. So sometimes my trusty fighting fantasy books return and I can honestly say I have already recommended this to all those friends as well as pre-ordered it myself. I know it’s going to eat hours away of my free time, whether it be replying the same route, choosing something different, altering stats the replayability is endless (almost) and when you have someone as fun as Deadpool by your side you know you can never get bored!

I already cannot stop recommending this and will continue to do so. If you grew up with and enjoyed fighting fantasy it is a must, if you love Deadpool (everyone does really, even if they won’t admit it just maybe not X-men Origins Deadpool) it is a must, if you love roleplaying games it is a must, if you ever read choose your own adventure books or fanfictions it is a must. Basically buy this gamebook. You will not be disappointed, I promise you that.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.