A review by chickenafraido
Burned by Ellen Hopkins


Love love love love love love the book.

Hate hate hate hated the ending.
Spoiler Pattyn basically goes fuckin nuts and decides everybody must die because they made her sad. Allow me to share an excerpt from one of the last chapters with you: "And so they should die too. All of them. Dad. Bishop. Crandall. Trevor, Becca, Emily. With the pull of a 10mm hair trigger, their lives will end...and when I finish there, i'll hide in the desert, reload, and go in search of Carmen and Tiffany...and Derek, just because." Excerpt now over. Ehem. *deep breath* WHAT KIND OF SHIT IS THAT. HOW COULD YOU END A BOOK THAT WAY. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.

Now that i've had my moment, allow me to explain. It's not that I don't think some of the people, especially Pattyn's dad deserved a very painful death. But the thing is, I feel like Pattyn was better than that. I wanted her to stand up for herself and get justice, but at the same time I didn't want her to lower herself to their level. I know she basically just lost everything she cared about, but still. I felt like she was stronger than that.

I know I seem a bit attached to fictional characters, but that's truly what this book did to me. It made me feel. I loved the characters Hopkins meant for me to love and hated those she meant for me to hate. She is truly an amazingly accomplished writer and I salute her for her talent.

Anyway, I really did think this book was amazing. It's so beautifully sad and raw that words cannot even describe it. The love I feel for this book and the characters in it is legendary. The bulk of the book is one of my favorites - the ending - not so much, but it's still amazing anyway. Read it. I promise it's worth it.