A review by patrickwadden
Anna Karenina by Nathan Haskell Dole, Leo Tolstoy


I've fallen prey on many accounts when faced with the challenge of writing a review for an acclaimed work of art, whether it be a book on here or a film on letterboxd, by opening my review with 'Well what can I possibly say about x? Everything has been said before.' If any book was going to make me realize this is preposterous and that I should cherish and divulge MY interpretation and telling of the book, I find it awfully apt that it is Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina.'

That being said, my edition did have a great introduction and dissection by Gary Saul Morson which I quickly read after finishing the book. Now, is it nonsense for me to pick apart a 1000 page book hours after I read it? Yes, but I did think about it for a long time in the shower so you could imagine I'm quite fit to write this review.

As mentioned, in the introduction and by other scholars and something that I think anyone who picks up Tolstoy is aware of, is the affinity and importance of the quotidian. Tolstoy revels in the everyday so much that it's in the very fibre that comprises the backbone of not only the story, but to the plot and the themes. An aspect of this that I didn't see mentioned anywhere else but was integral to my enjoyment of the novel, was that of travel and how that was conducive to the flow of the novel. Not only is travel important in the book, as I'm sure it was to Russian aristocrats between Petrograd and Moscow in the 19th century, but it allowed a great flow to the narrative which I enjoyed and made me never want to stop at a particular chapter. A bad analogy I can draw on is you know the feather in 'Forrest Gump'? I found Tolstoy used his characters like this in a very creative and engaging way, which in turn made them feel more dimensional. Take for instance, a point in the book where Tolstoy switches perspective between the book's two protagonists: Levin to Anna. He does not do this by a sudden switch at the start of a new chapter, but instead has Dolly leave the residence of Levin and travel to Anna's and then swiftly travels back. In doing so, he's able to flush out what is simultaneously going on for the two main characters, while fleshing out the thoughts and feelings of Dolly all the while supporting the theme of life is made of all the little things! Now, isn't that just ingenious!

Of course, another great instance of this is the introduction. If you can believe it, what actually convinced me to read 'Anna Karenina' was one of the short stories by Murakami in his collection 'The Elephant vanishes'. In that story, he mentions the boldness of not introducing Anna until chapter 18. Now imagine that! I knew I just had to see this in action for myself. He not only does this expertly, but it offers a great summary of other characters that will accompany you throughout the narrative while building suspense for Anna's arrival. I mean the amount they talk about her and hold her in such high regard (due to Tolstoy's great writing), I felt like Kitty when we were finally able to interact with her (me, obviously through made-up words on a page for a made-up lady!)

But such, isn't this the magic of literature? I feel I have not as much to discuss on life, death, faith and love as that has been talked a lot by more experienced hearts than mine and indeed for a dozen chapters by Levin at the very end of the novel. Also, I thought it was funny they were arguing life order of the Slavs/Human Race as they ate in an apiary. Just a blunt humourous metaphor, what could be a better?