A review by magikspells
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas


I wish I liked these better. I think it was because everything culminated into this big battle, but even with the length of this book, felt rushed. One of the things I really liked about Throne of Glass was that you understood why these different groups were coming together and the relationships between the people.

This book really suffers from being from a single point of view. Feyre is annoying, but a lot of things you only hear about from her point of view, so you just get to hear second hand about other things happening. I'm not even annoyed at Tamlin, he gets all this shit for making bad decisions because they aren't explained and from Feyre/Rhys' point of view. Pretty stupid how it's ok for Rhys to be terrible for his people, but Tamlin is evil for it.

I could nitpick a lot of other things, like why magic seems to just do whatever is convenient for the story, why all the characters are all so pretty and the most powerful person ever, why are there efforts to talk about all fae being the same but they still keep differentiating between the lesser and high. This society makes very little sense sometimes, but I think a lot of that could be a product of the limited point of view.