A review by hannahmarae
Treason of Hawks by Lila Bowen


And so ends The Shadow series. An epic battle, guns blazing, and tears running down my cheeks.

Treason of Hawks is one of the better books in the series. We pick up directly where we left off in MoC, with Sam dying on the ground and Rhett driven to save him by any means necessary. Much of the book involves Rhett coming to terms with the result of his actions and learning to live with the newly turned Sam. We see a lot of growth from Rhett as he loses and gains friends, and prepares his people for a mysterious trouble brewing out west. The ending, including the big bad, is set up very well and we even get a taste of the characters' continuing lives in the epilogue.

Endings are hard but this one was fitting. Everything about it felt right, even when it was hard. Rhett and his story come full circle in difficult, but elegant, ways. I loved it.

And that epilogue though!!!!!