A review by k_lenn
Like, Follow, Kill by Carissa Ann Lynch


The two things that annoy me most in books are dumb reasons for not calling the cops, and non-sensical plot twists trying to "out-thrill" the last one. Like, Follow, Kill checks both of these off.

Despite some flaws, I actually found this book quite enjoyable until the last 15% where you discover what really happened to Valerie, and then the author takes us on a plot-twist rollercoaster where things are just getting thrown at you. That's where LFK got downgraded from "pretty enjoyable" to just "okay."

There's some disconnect with the main part of the book and the ending— instead of letting the book come to its natural conclusion, I feel like multiple, forced plot-twists were added just to shock readers and get that "I couldn't guess what happened next!" reaction. Of course we can't guess what happens next— the ending goes against everything we thought we knew about Camilla, and it'd make very little sense in the real-world even with more sinister people.

All that said, it was actually very readable and I finished it within a few hours last night. If you like super twisty novels, this one might be for you! Please don't let my review dissuade you— if you like the synopsis, give it a try. It seems like type of novel other readers will rave over, so I'm expecting to see plenty of super good reviews come in.

A big thank you to the publisher, One More Chapter, for allowing me to read this title in exchange for an honest review.