A review by hauntingpineapples
For You, Mr. Jones by Holly Whitworth


I don't know why it took me so long to dive into this book, but I'm glad I finally did! When trying to describe this book to my husband I settled on: It's like a Hallmark Christmas movie, but as a book! Which is a high compliment from me since I'm all for the feel-good vibes of a Christmas movie!

It was sort of love at first sight for the main characters. At the beginning, I thought Decker was coming on too strong to Annie, but as the book moved on, he eased up and they came together more, rather than Decker making all the moves. And I love that Annie gave him a hard time for coming on strong and acted like I hoped she would - with attitude, haha! But once they were together, I swooned over all their sweet moments and new memories! Every time I thought it couldn't get sweeter - couldn't get better - it did! (Psst... there's no third act break up!)

It also had some more serious tones with Decker's grief and anxiety surrounding his mother's death, as well as Annie's grief from having to close her bakery. I empathized with Decker, having also lost my mom at a barely an adult age. I love how Holly navigated his progress and gave him room to grieve as well as learn how to keep going despite that loss. It was beautiful and relatable for me. Annie was also navigating some loss, and it showed on every page as she navigated a new normal, without her beloved bakery. She was definitely coping in a different, but still good, way and I loved that.

Overall, I'd definitely recommend this book if you're looking for a swoon-worthy Christmas book for the season. ❤️