A review by natpatreads
The Next Fithian: An Ordinary Teen on a Strange, New World by Rick Barry


Rankin is a teenager who is suddenly tasked with a mission from God - to be his witness (Fithian) to a world not in our dimension. Throughout this book, we follow along with Rankin's journey as he struggles with his calling from God, a new world, and how is he to share the good news with a planet that is desperately struggling with this new distance from their creator.

When I started this book, I definitely struggled to get into it. I found the initial writing to be a little choppy and the premise a struggle to follow. I also found a few of the chapter breaks to be disorienting and hard to follow what was going on in the plot. About one-third of the way through I started to become invested in Rankin and his friends and how he would fulfil his mission on this world.

One of my favourite things in this book was its description on how things were for the world before their separation from the Creator. Being a music lover, the sections that talked about singing and worship were especially meaningful and beautiful to me.

This book was a solid 3.5 stars (I typically uprate a half rating if the half is not available) for me.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Book Triggers: Death and Violence. There is definitely a lot of description of death and violence within this book. It is never treated lightly and is almost always left me with a feeling of disgust, horror, and/or grief at the situation.