A review by meghjcollins
Poor Things by Alasdair Gray


When I first started reading this, I had thoughts of 'aw bromance' and 'wow, how crazy is this?!', and as the story went on, as I heard from different perspectives, my mind was thoroughly blown. 

This novel is intelligent, twisted and highlights how we learn to love, our perceptions of love - be it how we love each other, who loves us and how we are loved by others. M
cCandless description of Bell "she shone before me like a rainbows end", is in stark contrast to hearing the same encounter from Bells perspective.
Through each perspective I grew to love Bell more and more, her eccentricities are wonderful and so beautifully explored. 

The drawings throughout add to the madness and knowledge behind the novel. They added to the power Bell held, and continues to hold. 

The main point of this novel - in my opinion -
is about the fluidity of the truth, and just what we will be believe, in order to believe that women are not as powerful as they want to believe. Bell shows us, that maybe women are the most powerful of all.