A review by felinity
Method 15/33 by Shannon Kirk


What a great read!

An incredible first novel with a heroine reminding me very much of [a:Alan Bradley|1074866|Alan Bradley|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1256021843p2/1074866.jpg]'s Flavia de Luce, not just in her manipulative and dispassionate outlook and scientific precision but also in her surprisingly mature thought processes and her ability - in this case, genetic - to restrict her emotional reactions.

Although she may switch her emotions on and off, that doesn't prevent her feeling them, or feeling guilt or regret, so we never feel alienated by this strange narrator; rather, she allows us to watch - through her eyes - with amused detachment, while still firmly supporting her and rooting for her victory.

SpoilerHer identity remains a mystery for most of the book, although you know that somehow she was rescued and survived because she's recalling the events of seventeen years ago, making the mystery *how* rather than *whether*. But if nothing else, she is a normal mother, fearing, loving and hoping as all good mothers do.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.