A review by shetellsastory2
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas



i am an absolute <i>mess</i>; and i think i’ll remain to be so for a very long while.
This was a solid rollercoaster. The kind that shoots up in the sky and whoosh rams you into the ground in a split half-second and poor you are left breathless, your heart in shambles, throat soar from screaming yet you keep riding with sheer adrenaline coursing through your veins. <s>[I hope that paints a solid picture for you because it was no joke.]</s> 

This conclusion - is it? - was not perfect by any means. Don't get my overly emotional self delude you from the fact that you <I> will </I> roll your eyes at some moments, sigh at others and feel like wow-how-convenient that was. <B>BUT</b> it was all perfection in that way only Sarah fucking Maas can pull it off. Only her! I truly love how she spun this installment with alternate POVs giving you literal whiplash. It's just <I>impossible</I> to stop reading. The answers, reveals, easter-eggs, and the moments we didn't know we needed but craved oh-so-much and got in the best of ways. UGH MY HEART!! It was a blast, I had fun reading this - my brain/heart might disagree at the moment with the word fun. But hey, isn't getting our utter soul destroyed while staying up until 3:00 am sobbing our heart out, is the real reason we love reading? 

Oh you sneaky sneaky woman! That sentence with Azriel's <I>wings</I> spanning all across the cavern *faints*! Bless your soul, ma'am. And the fact that he likes music *pants*. Now if you please, his book if you will. For fuck's sake I've been waiting years!