A review by jessaca_with_an_a
Doom Patrol Vol. 1: Brick by Brick by Gerard Way


First I'll start by admitting that I have not read any of the previous Doom Patrol renditions and I am almost certain that impacts a person's ability to enjoy this version (I think there were probably a dozen references that I missed but would've been enjoyable for former Doom Patrol fans). I should also start by saying that I am not a superhero-comic-fan, also a detriment to this rating.

The way I rate books is as follows:
5*- I would die without and could read a dozen times and still enjoy them;
4*- I found this enjoyable, but not ground-breaking and earth-shattering;
3*- decent books that were entertaining, but that was about it;
2*- this book was not good, I didn't enjoy it, and I hate whoever recommended it to me;
1*- I have never given a 1* rating (I think), but I imagine it would have to be pretty atrocious...

With all that in mind, Doom Patrol receiving a 3* rating from me ain't too shabby. For a book that referenced former renditions I haven't read and is within a genre I care little for, 3*'s is like a silver medal. This comic was recommended to me by someone who was hoping to broaden my comic-appreciation to the superhero genre, via a superhero book that was outside of the norm and more modern. And I think this was a decent stab in the right direction.

Doom Patrol follows Casey, an ambulance driver, as she starts to discover that she and her reality aren't exactly what she thought they were. This collection felt like it was piecing together the gang that I'm assuming is the Doom Patrol, and getting them all primed for what's next to come. I prefer more character-driven plots and this book seemed more plot-driven, meaning it can feel like it's going pretty quickly. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not my style.

My understanding is, if you liked the other Doom Patrols, there's hope for this rendition, but that the first volume isn't enough to judge it quite yet. I'd still consider picking up the second volume, but I don't think this will make my list of all-time favorite series.