A review by zhelana
Norwegian by Night by Derek B. Miller


Well, I would have given this book 5 stars had it bothered to wrap itself up in its ending. What happened to the boy? What happened to the granddaughter and her husband? Did the police detective ever deal with her concussion? What happened to the survivor who had the kid? We don't know, and I want to know. I was really enjoying this book up to the last chapter, but I think it needed an epilogue or something like that. Another two pages in the last chapter? Anyway, I really appreciate reading a book about a guy who is no longer in the prime of his life or a child. The 82 year old protagonist who sometimes remembers what he used to be able to do and contrasts it with what he is able to do is interesting, and I wish people would write more books with older protagonists, or disabled protagonists who remember being able to accomplish something but now they cannot. Anyway, the book was solid.