A review by k_cao_xai
Heart of Silver Flame by S.D. Simper

adventurous dark emotional tense medium-paced


I skimmed the entire first half just to get to the reunion scene and I’m not ashamed of it.

Character Impressions: 

Tallora is more active in this story. No longer confined to a prison, she’s free to act and do as she pleases. I like how the moment her people are put in danger, she goes out to find a solution to save them. The only thing that makes her hesitant is that she’ll need help from Dauriel.

Oh, Dauriel, you beautiful broken butch. 

Now as empress, she has even more to prove not just to the world but to herself. I love that the moment she and Tallora reunite, they just want to be together and forget the world but of course, reality sets in quick. 

Even though it hurts how much she wants to go down in history as a powerful Solviraes, no matter what method she can use to do so, it makes sense for her character to want this because it’s the only way she knows how to make a mark on the world. She wasn’t born into a loving family nor does she have the luxury to choose who she wants to be with. Having a powerful legacy is the only way she can see herself be accepted. 

Minor Characters: 

     Harbinger: Usually new characters who get introduced aren’t as interesting as the original cast, nor do they carry enough weight for me to care about them, but Harbinger? She’s MVP. I can’t wait to see more of her in the final book because she still has so much mystery behind her at the end of this one.
     Khastra: I love this tall, muscular, half-demon woman who’s over ten times my age. The way she shows her love for Dauriel is unconventional but it’s authentic. She definitely knows more about what’s going on than she lets on.
     Kal: Finally, a guy who can take no for an answer. I was so scared Tallora was going to start a relationship with him to try and get rid of her feelings for Dauriel, but thank goodness that didn’t happen. He’s a great character and a nice guy, and I’m especially happy he didn’t try to get with Tallora more than once. I could use more supportive male characters who don’t want to constantly hook up with the heroine in lesbian books. 

There are plenty of other minor characters, all of who have a unique role to play in the story and the main heroines’ lives. I love how they each have their own goals and history, so it doesn’t feel like they only exist until the heroines interact with them. 

Story Impressions: 

I only enjoy gut-wrenching twist endings if I know for sure the final installment will have a happily-ever-after, so the ending for this book may have hurt but dammit was it emotional. Once again, this story’s plot was not what I was expecting and once again, that’s not a bad thing. 

I skimmed the first half because I just wanted to get to the part where Tallora and Dauriel reunited. That’s not the fault of the author nor was the first half of the story unimportant. I just didn’t care all that much for Tallora and Kal’s journey until Tallora met with Dauriel again. 

That cliffhanger ending hurt but this story can rip my heart out as much as it wants, so long as a happily-ever-after is achieved by the end of the final book. 

I know some may be appalled by Dauriel’s actions at the end, but I found it to be in character and expected. She’s empress first and Tallora’s lover second, for now.


  • Highlight 1: That twist ending hurt as much as I predicted it would and I loved it.
  • Highlight 2:
    Dauriel begging on her knees for Tallora not to leave her at the end. Oh, my heart!
  • Highlight 3: A good handful of explicit sex scenes, but two of them were the ballsiest I’ve ever read.
    A handjob underneath the table while the whole council is present, and fisting merpussy in the bathtub.
    Was I surprised? Yes. Was I appalled? No. Was I turned on? You'll never know.
  • Highlight 4: Empress Dauriel.
  • Highlight 5: Harbinger. 
  • Highlight 6: Khastra. 
  • Highlight 7: Eldritch monsters. 
  • Highlight 8: The amount of yearning these two women have towards each other.
  • Highlight 9: That book cover.

My Personal Tags About the Book: 

  • Bisexual heroine
  • Lesbian heroine
  • Femme/butch pairing
  • Empress/citizen 
  • Explicit sex scenes 
  • Mermaid/human
  • No happy ending yet, but that’s what the final book is for.