A review by she_reads_alot
The Book of Rosy: A Mother's Story of Separation at the Border by Rosayra Pablo Cruz, Julie Schwietert Collazo


“Among the many things that people don't understand about migration is this: No one wants to leave the people they love. Most people don't want to leave the land where they were born, or the soil where their umbilical cord was buried. If they believed that staying would ensure survival, they would never set off on such a treacherous journey.”

Gut-wrenching .
I could not imagine having my husband murdered and getting shot myself, leaving my homeland with only 2/4 children, and then being locked in a cage (separated from my two sons) once I crossed the border into America.
Rozara Pablo Cruz is one strong women. She never lost faith that she would be freed from a border patrol facility and reunited with her children.
This story made me so emotional. We have all seen the images of these camps, read about the diseases circulating, the over crowding, and the separations---but reading a first-hand account is something that I felt like I needed to do.

How can I help ??

1. READ- Learn more about the history of immigration and migrants, borders, and the complicated relationship with the US and other countries.

2. BE POLITICALLY AWARE AND ACTIVE- Vote, especially in local elections.

3. USE THE POWER OF THE PURSE- www.goodsuniteus.com evaluates and scores companies based on their political donations, allowing you to direct your dollars in a way that's aligned with your own beliefs.

4. VOLUNTEER- check out www.teambrownsville.org for ways to help asylum seekers

5. GET CRAFTY- www.welcomeblanket.org provide literal and symbolic comfort and warmth