A review by actsofcarla
The Immortal Collection by Eva García Sáenz de Urturi


This is one of the worst books I have ever read. The prose is clunky, uninspired, and also in clear violation of the show-don't-tell rule. I might even be willing to forgive this in a vacation read, if the characters and story themselves weren't so flat and unoriginal. If you just want a book about pretty people flirting and boning while making heavy handed references to past historical periods and aren't feeling picky, this might do for you. However, there are a lot of books with otherworldly or historical sexiness and romance that are actually fun, interesting, and engaging and I recommend going for one of those instead.
None of the characters read like actual people. They are given one or two traits, a description of their hair and eye color, and emptied of believable or exciting motivation. Sáenz makes zero effort to actually write the immortal characters as if a life span of several thousand years has maybe, I don't know, made them different from other people. "Intelligent" characters display no actual intelligence. We are simply told they are intelligent and expected to believe it.
Life is too short to read this book. If you want something romantic in an interesting historical setting with a touch of magic, try Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier. For a dark, gritty, fascinating take on immortality, try The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas.