A review by brookeekay
Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips


I had a VERY difficult time switching POVs so often and there were so many characters that it was hard to follow. As soon as I finally got interested in the new characters story, it would switch to a new character that I wasn’t yet invested in. There are also many POVs that we never get back to which is frustrating and I struggle to understand the point of them.

It took me a month to read this book because I found it hard to get connected to the characters since they kept changing (And I’m the type of person who can read a book in a day). The storyline kept changing as well, while there was always the underlining of the missing girls, there were side stories that were never finished or addressed again. I think each story was well written, but I think the structure the author chose to write it in was not conducive to an enjoyable read.

It’s also impossible to keep track of who people are since if they do reappear later in the story it’s MUCH MUCH later after you’ve already forgotten about them and reinvested yourself into new characters.

Overall, I think the book is in some ways well written but the plot is so bad that it is almost unreadable. I had to force myself to read it just so I could finish it and move on with it. I enjoyed the stories individually but I wish more time was invested into each of the individual stories instead of just throwing several stories into one book.