A review by sofialexandra
Off to the Races by Elsie Silver


This was SUCH a fun read. I loved Billie and Vaughn’s characters so much and this was such a perfect start to the series! I loved their dynamic and the way Elsie always writes tension is INSANE!!! I do wish the plot had explored different aspects of the characters and the story and the third-act breakup felt quite immature (from both Billie and Vaughn’s side) but I loved them all the same.

Favourite quotes:

I feel like I’m looking at the sun, blinding but so deliciously warm that you just close your eyes and bask in the glow, anyway.

”How long you been staring at me, Boss Man?” she mutters.
“Since day one,” I whisper in her ear.

She snuck up on me, planted the seeds, and I let the roots take over, wrapping themselves around every pulse point, filling up my darkest corners, squeezing painfully at my heart. We are intertwined now, and the thought of ripping her out-it's too painful to bear.

Letting his passion soothe my tortured soul like a balm. Like an antidote.