A review by kittenmittons
The Last Phi Hunter by Salinee Goldenberg


First off, this cover? Absolutely incredible. I know, I know, "don't judge a book by its cover," but that's hard to do when you have a cover this good.

Was I letdown after putting so much stock into the cover? Well, no. While I didn't love this book, there is a lot of very cool stuff to it and a lot to appreciate, so let's get into that.

Based on Thai mythology, the worldbuilding and the folklore of this book were absolute standouts. The setting was immersive and vibrant, and I loved all of the demons and lore.

And the plot of the story itself was a lot of fun too! It's an adventure novel, a road novel, and there are twists and danger and - it's just a fun ride, I don't know how I can put it better than that.

Where the book fell down a bit for me was in its characters. I get their arcs, but I never felt particularly connected to the characters. I don't know if it was the writing, but I just felt that I could never get a good grasp on their characterizations and motivations beyond the surface level stuff.

Overall, a fun and creative read, and sometimes, that's all you need.

Thank you to the publisher, Angry Robot, and to NetGalley for the ARC.