A review by shanhaddock
Rescue One by Michael Gardner


I liked the story in this book, especially the twist at the end that caught me completely by surprise. Unfortunately, the writing style just didn’t really work for me. While there were some wonderful metaphors -- a particular favorite was “Tyrone had a face like an overloaded power relay on the verge of exploding.” -- most of the narrative was a bit dry, and sentences lacked complexity to the point that I felt like I was reading a YA book, which made the occasional obscenity rather jarring. The dialogue alternated between awesome and feeling stilted and artificial. I also found some of the attempts at humor to be really, really lame. The characters were another good point, except for the one who was supposed to be naive and young, yes, but who came across like a preteen a bit too often. Still, the story was good enough that I’ll probably keep my eye out for more by this author.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.