A review by bookloverchelle
Camp H.O.W.L. by Bru Baker


A really great start to the Camp H.O.W.L. series from Bru Baker. Adrian may have been born into a powerful werewolf family but when he didn't experience his first change at the normal age he resigned himself to living his life as a human. When a work trip takes a turn for the worse, suddenly Adrian finds himself experiencing Turn symptoms thousands of miles away from his pack, years later than he should. With a swift rescue from the counselors of Camp H.O.W.L. Adrian finds a place to safely understand his turn and something he doesn't expect, his moonmate. Tate doesn't believe in moonmates and finding his among his campers was completely unexpected. But Tate's upbringing lead him to a life complete cut off himself off from his pack. Meeting Adrian means facing his past and facing his long held beliefs. Can he open himself up to love and possible happiness? A really great read, exciting to see where it goes next!