A review by oliviamnsnll
Touching Our Strength: The Erotic as Power and the Love of God by Carter Heyward


I highly recommend this book to everyone. Christian and non-christian, Women, NBs, & Men, Cis and Trans Folx, Asexual or Sexual Black, White, Red...

This book by Episcopal Priest Carter Heyward is one of the best things I've read regarding mutually beneficial and positive relations. She talks about the erotic being the source of our strength, and not exclusively sexual eroticism, but the erotic as our desire for mutuality, touch, and time spent being present with the people in our lives.

She talks about how our culture alienates us from our bodies, our eroticism, our sensuality, and how justice is the presence of love in the world. But not just any justice, certainly not "legal justice" but Justice that draws people into right relation with one another.

She tackles heterosexism, alienated power, and ends on a phenomenal examination of sexual ethics that despite her lack of knowledge regarding ace and trans folx mangages to be extremely inclusive and empowering.