A review by andotherworlds
Book Lovers by Emily Henry


2-2.5 // oop this is a hot take but ahhh this was overwhelmingly meh.

The characters were hot on their own but together it was just, eh? I feel like every major point the book was trying to make felt diluted and the ultimate execution to make it actually feel impactful was just lost.

Also, given the book theme throughout the entirety of this book (ha! meta), I expected more impact with that aspect as well. What I mean by this is that at time references to classic literature like Wuthering Heights were made to parallel the relationship (which btw gross bc wuthering heights is certifiably NOT THE ROMANCE VIBE) or even just basic bookish/film tropes like the bossy biatch. BUT, I feel like this cutesy aspect was also left underdeveloped. If allusions to lit and tropes was something to be introduced, I think this book would have read better if such a choice was a quirky continuity throughout.

So yeah, this was fine which is sad because I had higher hopes.
My Emily Henry-verse Rankings go as follows:
1. Beach Read
2. Book Lovers
3. People We Meet on Vacation

That's all please don't kill moi!