A review by andotherworlds
Renegades by Marissa Meyer


4.5 Stars

At first I was a bit questionable about reading a superhero series. I enjoy watching “Marvel” movies or “DC Comics” from time to time, but I can’t call myself a true super fan. So when I first saw this book from a review on booktube, I was hesitant even though the review was quite positive. After this a close friend of mine had recommended it and by then I decided I should give it a try. Let me just tell you, that was one of the best decisions I have made when it comes to books. I was never a big fan of Marissa Meyer’s “Lunar Chronicles” series, (and I know it’s an extremely popular series that many people love and I don’t mean this in any personal or offensive way, it just wasn’t for me) but after I read “Renegades” I was practically head over heals over her great plot and storyline. I didn’t however give it 5 stars only for the fact that although it did have Captain Chromium and his partner as LGBTQ+ characters, I felt as though it could have used a bit more diverse representation. Other than this minor setback I did enjoy the protagonist Nova and overall found this to be an enjoyable read.