A review by literallykalasin
Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel


In Silverwing, Kenneth Oppel has created a quasi-fantasy world about bats, which sounds crazy, but it absolutely works. It tells the story of Shade, a young and runty Silverwing bat, who gets blown out to sea on his first winter migration south. Suddenly without any of his colony and only a song-map to guide him, Shade acquires a new friend and more than a few enemies as he tries to follow his mother's directions and rejoin his family before winter overtakes him.

If this book had been out when I was in elementary school, I would've absolutely devoured this. It's got everything: animal story? Check! The little-character-that-could? Absolutely! Adventure? Yes, please! Your book also comes with: world-building, mythology, spunky side-kicks, and evil villains.