A review by mxphoebesviewpoint
The Secret Ingredient by K.D. Fisher


The Secret Ingredient is sweetness or maybe it is patience in KD Fisher’s contemporary romance. Two women who could not approach cooking or life more differently meet and sparks fly in chemistry and attitude. Isn’t this how we like our romances? Fiery? Passionate?

Fisher includes cute moments as Adah is also sensitive and adorable in her bashfulness. The secondary characters bring more than just a diversified flavor to the book as I would love to see their stories too. Well all except for one person’s and he will go nameless since he will be just a flash in a pan...pun intended. (laugh)

Fisher’s descriptions of Maine are beautiful and make me wish I was back there. I do not know enough about cooking to know if what they were talking about would taste good, but I did get up for snacks multiple times while reading...just saying.

Read The Secret Ingredient and tell me what you think the secret is...it could just be Fisher’s magic.

I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.