A review by shadowcat1224
Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau


Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau was a great read, allowing the reader to be able to travel vicariously through Paris, explore a budding romance, and pursue a passion for dance. Following the main character Mia as she navigated her new life at a prestigious Paris ballet school also allowed us, as the reader, to experience many kinds of relationships along with her. From making new ballet friends to meeting estranged family members, and being swept away in her first love, Mia’s story touches on a wide variety of dynamics that were all written in a relatable manner. And, even though I’ve never danced before, I felt drawn into Mia’s intensity and love toward ballet. Mia’s drive was admirable and, even when unexpected tragedy occurred, she was still able to pick herself up again and keep moving forward toward her dreams. If you are interested in a warmhearted read where you find yourself truly rooting for the characters to succeed, this one's for you.